AFK Arena Codes for April 2024

We've put together a complete list of the latest and currently working AFK Arena codes. Claim your free in-game rewards today before they expire!

Are you looking for a complete list of all working AFK Arena codes in April 2023? You’ve come to the right place! We’ll constantly update this page to add new codes and remove annoying expired ones.

All you have to do is follow our simple guide on copying and redeeming the codes, and you’ll be claiming those in-game diamonds in no time! We also have a guide on how to redeem AFK Journey codes.

Note: Lilith has changed the way codes are redeemed. For full instructions, check out the new method at the bottom of the page.

Lilith Redemption Code Link: Click here

We added a new AFK Arena code on April 22, 2023. Check below for the full active list.

All Working AFK Arena Codes

Here is the complete list of all active redemption codes for AFK Arena as of today. To copy a code, simply click (or tap) the “Copy Code” button beneath it.

Active AFK Arena codes:

20x Common Hero Scrolls
10x Common Hero Scrolls,10x Time Emblems,10x Stargazer Scrolls, 10x Arcane Staff
Lightbearer Sticker
Wilder Sticker
Graveborn Sticker
Mauler Sticker
30x Common Hero Scrolls
300x Diamonds
500x Diamonds, 5x Common Hero Scrolls, 60x Rare Hero Soulstones

Make sure that you redeem them ASAP, as they can expire at any time. Some of the codes are very old, and it seems Lilith has forgotten to deactivate them.

How To Redeem AFK Arena Codes

AFK Arena Codes

1.) Go to

2.) Enter your UID.

3.) Enter your Verification Code.

4.) Collect the rewards from your mailbox in-game.

AFK Arena Codes

How to Get Your Verification Code

1.) Tap on your player avatar in the top left of the screen in-game.

AFK Arena Codes

2.) Tap on “Settings”.

AFK Arena Codes

3.) Tap on “Verification Code”.

AFK Arena Codes

4.) You’ll receive a unique code that can be entered on the Gift Redemption page.

AFK Arena Codes

How to Find Your UID

1.) Tap on your player avatar in the top left of the screen in-game.

AFK Arena Codes

Your UID is the number in the top right of the Details page.

AFK Arena Codes

Where to Get New AFK Arena Codes?

The games’ developer Lilith Games will usually release new AFK Arena codes on the Official Facebook Page, and via their Official Twitter, so it’s worth following them there. We will also continually update this page with the latest redemption codes as soon as they’re released.

Most codes will usually coincide with special events, such as new hero releases, anniversary milestones, and in-game seasonal events. Please note that these are not cheats or hacks. They’re free items the development team releases and are 100% legit.

And that’s our list of all available AFK Arena codes for Android & iOS! Hopefully, it helps you progress a little bit better in the game.

If you’ve found any more we’ve missed, please comment below, and we’ll add them to the page ASAP!

Now that you’ve got some free diamonds, what should you spend them on? Check out our AFK Arena Tier List for the best heroes to invest in.

Keep up-to-date with the latest AFK Arena news via the official Facebook page.

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