Legends’ Championship 1: Winner

The first ever Legends' Championship has concluded. It featured the toughest competitors from every server in AFK Arena.

The first ever Legends’ Championship has concluded. It featured the toughest competitors from every server in AFK Arena.

Congratulations to Glorks from S18 for winning!

The winner will receive a prestige golden portrait to showoff.

Impressively, Glorks managed to win the finals in only 4 rounds and did not have a full ascended hero team.

Table of Contents

Final Match:

Brutus Kaz Vurk Khasos Lyca
Nemora Lucius Estrilda Tasi Belinda


Thoran Grezhul Shemira Numisu Farael
Estrilda Thane Belinda Khasos Raine
Lucius Brutus Tasi Lyca Nemora

Winner: Glorks

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